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छत ढ़लाई मे कितना सरिया लगेगा | How to calculate steel in slab 🏡

   Steel calculation in slab  

How to calculate steel in slab
 How to calculate steel in slab

When we make a building or building and when we get its roof put, it becomes very important to know how much support will be required in the slab. So, how much will be the cost of the bar and the weight of the bar and how much binding wire will be required to tie the bar, we are going to understand all this very easily in the article.

Let us assume that there is a roof whose length is 20 feet and width is 50 feet, that is, there is a total roof of 1000 square feet (Sqft), in that we have to calculate the weight of the bar and its cost.

When we lay the bars in the slab, then we put the main bars in the small space (in width) (20 feet). Distribution bars are put in more space (in length) (in 50 feet). And the distance between two bars is not more than 6 inches.

How to calculate steel in slab
So here we have taken the diameter of the main bars as 10 mm and the diameter of the distribution bars as 8 mm , and the gap between the bars is 6 inches.

Dia of main bars  = 10 mm ɸ

Distribution bars  =  8 mm ɸ

Spacing               =  6 inch

    Quantity Calculation of bars

Main Bars Quantity- 

To calculate the quantity of the main bars, we simply divide the length of the roof (50 feet) by the spacing (6"), so the quantity of our bars is No. of bars.

Main bars quantity = 50/6” (feet to inch)

                               = 600/6 (1 feet = 12” )

                               = 100 nos (50 feet = 600")

          1 Extra bar = 100+1 = 101 bars

Note – After extracting the quantity of the bar, we take 1 bar extra.

Distribution Bars Quantity- 

To calculate the quantity of distributor bars, we simply divide the width of the roof (20 feet) by the spacing (6"), then the quantity of our bars is No. of bars.

Distribution bars quantity = 20/6” ( Feet to Inch)

                                          = 240/6 (1 feet = 12” )

                                         = 40 bars (20 feet = 240")

                     1 Extra bar = 40+1 = 41 Bars

           Weight Calculation of Bars


     If we want to calculate the weight of the bar in meters, then the formula for it is – (D^2xL/162 Kg) and if we want to calculate it in feet (D^2xL/533 Kg) we use this formula., where D = bar Key Diameter, L = Length of the bar (metre/feet).

 Weight calculation of main bars

To find out the weight of the main bars, we will do a simple calculation, here we are taking the bar measurement in feet, so D^2xL/533 Kg will apply this formula. With this we will know the weight of one bar, and multiply the weight of that one bar by the total bar, then the weight of our main bars will come out.

 Weight of main bars = D^2xL/533 Kg

                                   = (10)^2 X 20/533

                                   = 100x20/533

  Weight of one bar = 3.75 kg

  Weight of 101 bars = 3.75x101

                                    = 378 kg

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Weight calculation of Distribution bars 

The distributor bars will weigh the same as the main bar. Keeping the formula beans, only change the value of D (dia) and L.

Weight of Distribution bars = D^2xL/533 Kg

                                            = (8)^2 X 50/533

                                            = 64x50/533

50 feet Weight of one bar = 6 kg

             Weight of 41 bars = 6 x 41

                                                = 246 kg

Total weight of steel = 387+246

                                    = 624 Kg

                            Or = 6.24 quintals (1 quintal = 100 kg)

Note – You can use this rule in applying simple type of slab. For more strength, steel dia is given separately in it.

                       Binding Wire

  The wire that is used to tie the bar is called Binding Wire, binding wire We consume 10 kg of wire to tie 1 ton of the bar.


How to calculate steel in slab


Thumbrule - 1kg/tonne

  In tying 1 ton bar = 10 kg wire

  1 ton = 1000 kg

  In tying 100 kg bar = 1 kg

= 624/100

Binding wire =6.24kg

In this way, you can easily remove the amount of wire in tying the bar.

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  1. 20'×52'छत मे कितना सरीया लगेगा और डिजाइन वह कितना mm
